  1. Home disinfection solutions
  2. Commercial disinfection solutions
  3. Healthcare disinfection solutions
  4. School disinfection solutions
  5. Hotel disinfection solutions
  6. Flood cleanup and disinfection

CLEANING IS DEFINED as the removal of soil, food residue, dirt, grease or other objectionable matter. This requires physical energy, heat and / or chemicals (detergents). Cleaning removes dirt but is not intended to kill all pathogens.

DISINFECTION IS THE REDUCTION, by means of chemical agents and/or physical methods, of the number of micro-organisms in the environment to a level that does not compromise food safety or suitability. In a food business this is usually done by the use of chemicals or by heat.

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Cleaning and disinfection is an important part of for all businesses, whether they are caterers, retail premises, manufacturing sites or logistics operations. Faulty or inadequate cleaning procedures have been identified as contributing to food poisoning outbreaks. The important reasons for keeping kitchens and other food premises clean and disinfected are: -

  1. To remove disease causing organisms (pathogens), helping to prevent food poisoning.
  2. To help prevent infestation of pests such as mice, rats, flies, cockroaches and birds. Cleaning and disinfection will remove food debris on which pests can live, as well as removing pathogens which pests could have brought onto the premises.
  3. To reduce the risk of cross contamination by pathogens, for example from the indirect transfer of food poisoning bacteria from raw foods or meats to ready to eat foods
  4. To reduce the risk of food contamination from allergens such as nuts and seeds.
  5. To reduce the risk of physical contaminants getting into the food to be eaten.
  6. To reduce the risk of accidents, such as tripping on spillages and food waste/debris.
  7. To create a pleasant working environment.
  8. To comply with the food hygiene laws.


Exterminators Home Disinfection Solutions leads the way in providing efficient and affordable disinfection and sterilization solutions to proactively help safeguard against a broad-spectrum of bacteria, viruses, and mycotoxins, including H1N1, Influenza, E. coli, Salmonella, Chickenpox, Cholera, Staphylococcus aureus, Legionella pneumophilia, Aspergillus niger, mold, microscopic fungi and many more.

Exterminators Disinfectors provides quality disinfection solutions for residential homes and apartments. At Exterminators we understand the complexities of the home environment we stand ready to provide effective and quality disinfection solutions for your home while totally off-setting your ‘Carbon Footprint’ related home disinfection services.

Our goal is to give you the peace of mind that comes with year-round protection with an effective, results-driven process in home disinfection.

Exterminators Commercial Disinfection Solutions leads the way in providing efficient and affordable disinfection and sterilization solutions to proactively help safeguard against a broad-spectrum of bacteria, viruses, and mycotoxins, including H1N1, Influenza, E. coli, Salmonella, Chickenpox, Cholera, Staphylococcus aureus, Legionella pneumophilia, Aspergillus niger, mold, microscopic fungi and many more.

Exterminators Disinfectors’ provides quality disinfection solutions for offices and commercial property. At Exterminators we understand the complexities of the business environment we stand ready to provide effective and quality disinfection solutions for your business while totally off-setting your ‘Carbon Footprint’ related commercial disinfection services.

Our goal is to give you the peace of mind that comes with year-round protection with an effective, results-driven process in office and commercial disinfection.

Exterminators Healthcare Disinfection Solutions leads the way in providing efficient and affordable disinfection and sterilization solutions to proactively help safeguard against a broad-spectrum of bacteria, viruses, and mycotoxins, including H1N1, Influenza, E. coli, Salmonella, Chickenpox, Cholera, Staphylococcus aureus, Legionella pneumophilia, Aspergillus niger, mold, microscopic fungi and many more.

Exterminators Disinfectors’ provides quality disinfection solutions for the healthcare sector in Sri Lanka. At Exterminators we understand the complexities of the healthcare business environment we stand ready to provide effective and quality disinfection solutions for your business while totally off-setting your ‘Carbon Footprint’ related healthcare disinfection services.

Our goal is to give you the peace of mind that comes with year-round protection with an effective, results-driven process in healthcare disinfection.

Exterminators School Disinfection Solutions leads the way in providing efficient and affordable disinfection and sterilization solutions to proactively help safeguard against a broad-spectrum of bacteria, viruses, and mycotoxins, including H1N1, Influenza, E. coli, Salmonella, Chickenpox, Cholera, Staphylococcus aureus, Legionella pneumophilia, Aspergillus niger, mold, microscopic fungi and many more.

Exterminators Disinfectors’ provides quality disinfection solutions for schools, colleges and universities in Sri Lanka. At Exterminators we understand the complexities of the business environment we stand ready to provide effective and quality disinfection solutions for your school and/or college while totally off-setting your ‘Carbon Footprint’ related school disinfection services.

Our goal is to give you the peace of mind that comes with year-round protection with an effective, results-driven process in school disinfection.

Exterminators Hotel Disinfection Solutions leads the way in providing efficient and affordable disinfection and sterilization solutions to proactively help safeguard against a broad-spectrum of bacteria, viruses, and mycotoxins, including H1N1, Influenza, E. coli, Salmonella, Chickenpox, Cholera, Staphylococcus aureus, Legionella pneumophilia, Aspergillus niger, mold, microscopic fungi and many more.

Exterminators Disinfectors’ provides quality disinfection solutions for hotels, restaurants, pubs, food outlets in Sri Lanka. At Exterminators we understand the complexities of the business environment we stand ready to provide effective and quality disinfection solutions for your school and/or college while totally off-setting your ‘Carbon Footprint’ related hotel disinfection services.

Our goal is to give you the peace of mind that comes with year-round protection with an effective, results-driven process in hotel and restaurant disinfection.

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